Sensory Overload at the Slow Club, 22x28", 2023. Acrylic & latex paint on canvas.
I'll Miss You Forever Street,
30x40", 2023. Acrylic & latex paint on canvas.
No More Blue Horizons,
20x40", 2023. Acrylic and latex paint on canvas.
Sage comme une image,
36x46", 2023. Acrylic and latex paint on canvas.
Down and Out In Los Angeles,
24x24", 2023. Acrylic and latex paint on canvas.
Leash Called Love,
24x30", 2023. Acrylic and latex paint on canvas.
Death From a Silicone Heart,
24x30", 2023. Acrylic and latex paint on canvas.
In Heaven, Everything Is Fine,
40x30", 2023. Acrylic and latex paint on canvas.
Flattery and Criticism Go Down The Same Drain,
22x28", 2023. Acrylic and latex paint on canvas.
Cafe Bizarre,
40x30", 2023. Acrylic and latex paint on canvas.